Homo/bi/sexuals Most Destructive

Attila T. Hun attila at primenet.com
Fri Jan 24 14:43:04 PST 1997

     aga's original message follows pgp-----


        when AIDS was relatively obscure, I always dismissed AIDS as 
    God's response to homosexuality (and other crimes against nature); 
    i.e. -settlement by a just God.  

        Unfortunately, some of these boy-girls could not keep it among 
    themselves, and the closet queens brought it home.  AIDS replicates     
    asexually, knowing no boundaries.

        I would not wish the disease upon anyone, but if you play, you 
    just might pay --as in "...reap what thy hath sown."  

        One of the saddest commentaries on the entire problem is the 
    man, a Pan-American flight steward, who was identified as carrier 
    #1 by the Communicable Disease Center (CDC) in Atlanta; he died 
    protesting he did not have the disease, nor was he a carrier. The 
    flight steward was still sexually active until his impending death 
    removed even his ability to passively participate. Unfortunately, 
    he was not only in total denial as to the disease and its 
    communicability, but he was also immensely profligate, having 
    surrendered to total licentiousnous.

        To be strongly opposed to homosexuality has nothing to do with 
    bigotry, political correctness, or aberrationist apologists; it is
    an exposition of the natural order among the species.

        and for those who deny God, read Darwin as to the relative 
    rate of survival for deviant and/or abnormal species. 

  "eschewing my enmity is exemplary,
    even transcending my fraternity.

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In <Pine.LNX.3.95.970116062523.30623C-100000 at dhp.com>, on 01/16/97 
   at 06:28 AM, aga <aga at dhp.com> said:

+> "Who Are The Patients?
+>    "In the United States, homosexual and bisexual males make up >
+approximately 62 percent of the total patients. The other major group >
+afflicted with AIDS are intravenous drug abusers -- both men and women
+> who constitute 20 percent of the total. . . ."
+> ==================================  Males  %  Females  %  Both sexes  
+% > Homosexual/bisexual males          50,325 68           0     
+50,325  62 > Intravenous (IV) drug abusers      12,529 17    3,622 52     
+16,151  20 > Homosexual male an IV drug abusers  5,874  8                  
+5,874   7 > Hemophilia/coagulation disorder       751  1       22  0        
+773   1 > Heterosexuals                       1,516  2    2,073 30      
+3,589   4 > Blood transfusion                   1,297  2      747 11      
+2,044   3 > Undetermined (1)                    2,143  3      519  7      
+2,662   3 > TOTAL                              74,435 91    6,983  9     
+81,418 100 >
+> "Note:  Provisional data.  Cases with more than one risk factor than
+the > combinations listed are tabulated only in the category listed
+first. > (1) Includes patients on whom risk information is incomplete,
+patients > still under investigation, men reported only to have had
+heterosexual > contact with a prostitute, and patients for whom no
+specific risk was > identified; also includes one health care worker
+who developed AIDS after > a documented needle-stick to blood. Source:
+Centers for Disease Control." >
+> Cited in "The Universal Almanac 1990", Andrews and McMeel, 1989. >

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