Donna Rice, etc.

Robert Hettinga rah at
Wed Jan 22 08:56:52 PST 1997

At 1:50 am -0500 1/22/97, Bill Stewart wrote:
>>Yes, it's the very same Bimbo who scuttled Gary Hart's campaign,
>I think you have to give Gary all the credit for that;
>the "Hey, I'm not doing anything wrong and you could follow me
>around 24 hours a day and not find anything" bit convinced me that
>Hart was a major flake

A pal of mine from Mizzou was the photographer who took the Donna/Gary
lap-sit photo.

He got the Pulitzer prize.

Whole episode says more about American "journalism" than anything else, and
*I'm* a congenital Republican.

ObGeodesicMarkets: It was a joke about Donna Rice that got me thinking
about the speed of information propagation in the capital markets. ("What
did Donna Rice say when the reporters caught her leaving Gary Hart's house?
She said she was taking a poll. <hyuk!>)  The joke appeared on the Morgan
Stanley equity trading desk no more than 15 minutes after the story hit the
Reuter's newswire. In that time, the joke was thought up, somewhere in the
world, and disseminated all over, ending up in the midwestern hinterlands
of Chicago, by way of London. Since trading desks talk to each other with
direct lines, the network formed by them is a geodesic one, even though
people are the "switches".

Bob Hettinga

Robert Hettinga (rah at, Philodox
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