Airport security [no such thing]

Adam philipp adam at
Mon Jan 20 22:35:18 PST 1997

At 09:23 PM 1/20/97 -0500, you wrote:
>	Recall that all security is economics.  The airlines want the
>appearance of security without having to pay for it.
>	The '3 questions' ("Pack your luggage?  let it out of your
>sight?  Taking any gifts?") originated with El Al, where they are the
>introduction to a very expensive (and privacy invading) set of
>screening questions.  The El Al people are trained to watch you as
>they ask the questions, and respond to signs of lying or rehersal.
>The Americans read the questions off the screen, and pay no attention
>to your answers.

True, however the number of questions asked by El Al decreases amazingly
when you answer in Hebrew, however that did not stop me being addressed by
five security personnel after a trip where had been doing a photo
documentary and was still wearing a photo vest full of black metal
cannisters (lenses). Of course when the security head finally approached me
I used Hebrew and that was then end of the episode. Unfortunately speaking
English is not a very good determination of airline safety.

	Adam Esq.

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