Airport security [no such thing]

drose at drose at
Mon Jan 20 20:10:52 PST 1997

Alan Bostick wrote:


>She presented the gate agent with *four* tickets and *four* IDs.  "Where
>are these other people?" the agent asked.  "They're parking the car,"
>said the traveler.  The agent gave her all four boarding passes; and my
>companion and I were bumped to the third boarding group.
>The woman in front of us was white and middle-class-looking, traveling
>with what appeared to be her family.  One wonders what would have
>happened were she a swarthy man wearing robes and a burnoose.  Or if she
>were just wearing shabby clothes. 

My guess is that you and your companion would have been further discommoded,
with the possible concomitant saving of your lives.

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