Monitoring the monitors [Was: Gilmore and Sandfart suck

Ross Wright rwright at
Mon Jan 20 08:11:51 PST 1997

On or About 19 Jan 97 at 17:37, Dale Thorn wrote:

> Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.  We already get the censored stuff
> on the alleged-to-be "unedited" list, so by looking at the censored
> list only, we can do the subtraction more reliably than Sandfort.
> Just the censored list is needed, not the cut-out stuff, as far as I
> know.

I disagree.  Or I don't quite understand what you are saying.  I
want to see the moderated list and I want to see what was removed.

So since I was automatically given the Moderated List, I just put in 
a subscription, under a different address, so I can easily see what was 
removed.  Of the three lists that now exist: unedited, edited, and 
removed posts, I would chose to remove the unedited version so that I 
can keep my eye on what the moderators decide I should not see.  That 
gives me an insight into what they think.  


Ross Wright
King Media: Bulk Sales of Software Media and Duplication Services
Voice: 415-206-9906

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