Airport security [no such thing]

Sean Roach roach_s at
Sun Jan 19 21:13:29 PST 1997

At 08:04 PM 1/17/97 EST, Dr.Dimitri Vulis wrote:
>snow <snow at> writes:
>> > I say we make people fly naked and ship their stuff via UPS ;).
>>     >>shudder<<
>>     No!. A clear case of the cure being worse than the disease...
>Why. it might be fun - those long flight can be so boring with clothes on...
Wouldn't work.  A sworn member of the holy order of the restitution for the
crimes of my enemies, has an explosive device buried within h[is/er] bowels.
When (s)he goes up, alone, (s)he will take 100+ enemies with h[im/er].  Of
course (s)he has to be willing to die, or be duped into thinking that (s)he
really has appendicitis.  So a courier would still be easy to find.
Or, a cancer infected member of said religious cult, knowing that (s)he will
soon die anyway, and probably atone for h[is/er] many sins, ((s)he hasn't
really done anything rightous, like kill one of the enemy), chooses to have
h[is/er] cancerous bowels, up to the stomache, removed, and replaced with a
bomb.  (s)he then heals up a little while, being fed intraveinously, until
the time of h[is/er] atonement.  A makeup artist erases the signs of disease
that (s)he carries and a large dose of pain killer is given to h[im/er] to
take right before entering the airport.  (s)he dies knowing that (s)he is
going straight past heaven to an even higher level.

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