meritassoc at meritassoc at
Sun Jan 19 13:48:02 PST 1997


Do you believe that you’re meant to be healthy, happy and financially free?

Nutritionist and other health professionals tell us that we should eat the right foods, to get the appropriate vitamins and minerals in our daily diet and exercise in order to stay healthy, right.  RIGHT!  We are slowly realizing that the soil from which our fruits & vegetables come from is also being depleted and in spite of the fact that we try to restore those nutrients artificially, we are not really putting everything back in.

Several years an amazing discovery was made in the Soviet Union and kept secret from the rest of the world until the fall of the Berlin Wall.  This discovery stimulated long term research, funded completely by the Soviet government and headed by the late Dr. I. I. Brekhman, a world renowned & brilliant scientist.   His vision and breakthrough research over 45 years revealed many of nature’s most important secrets, which recognized him as the "Father of Adaptogens".

Dr. Brekhman, with a team of over 1,200 biologist and physicians, analyzed and investigated adaptogens in one of the most massive programs of human testing in scientific history.  [No where else except the Soviet Union could this have taken place.]  They produced thousands of dietary studies which definitively validated the safety, benefits and astounding capabilities of adaptogens.

The cosmonauts used Dr. Brekhman’s formulas to cope with motion sickness, extended confinements, weightlessness and inherent stress of space travel.

The Olympic athletes used Dr. Brekhman’s formulas to improve performance, immune resistance, stamina, endurance, recovery and to cope with the stress of competition.

In a broadly-based study of 60,000 truck drivers at an automobile plant in Tolyiaatti for over 10 years revealed that those workers using adaptogens experienced a 25% reduction in lost time as well as a 40% decrease in influenza and a general improvement in their overall health.

In another study of 655 flight personnel, adaptogens improved the recovery process after long and tiring flight schedules.

We could go on with the results of his research, but I think you get the picture.

The secrets of Dr. Brekhman’s work are no longer locked inside Russia.  Adaptogens could soon become as American as apple pie.

In 1991, Dr. Brekhman joined forces with PrimeQuest in an exclusive collaboration to convert his wisdom into a whole new generation of adaptogenic formulas.  The results far exceed his work with cosmonauts and athletes.  He designed a total program for well-being...a program which gives you what you have been missing.  

Before his death in July 1994, Dr. Brekhman was able to complete the goal of his life’s work:  "It has always been my dream to create a special formula for life, to make them healthy, stable, happy and to protect them from stress.  All of my life I have worked toward this goal - and now, finally I have achieved a breakthrough.  It is a complicated preparation of natural plant materials which are the best and most effective ingredients I have studied in all of my years of research...ingredients that work together in a combination that derives additional power from the mixture itself." 

No other product on the market today has undergone the clinical studies on humans that these products underwent in the 40+ years of research.

PrimeQuest products can increase your energy and vitality in the most natural way.  You can:

	· Reduce Stress
	· Lose body fat
	· Increase energy
	· Eliminate A.D.D.
	· Improve Sex Drive
	· Reduce P.M.S.

To get a FREE TAPE in which a Harvard MD reveals the SECRET and more information about obtaining these products or becoming a distributor yourself.  E-mail your name, address & phone #  to Meritassoc at or call 1-800-305-6451.

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