And who will "moderate" the windbag Sandfort?

Anonymous nobody at
Sun Jan 19 11:43:48 PST 1997

One of the biggest offendors in getting into long flamewars has always been
Sandfort himself. Why am I not surprised that most of his recent posts have
had nothing to do with crypto but a lot to do with his own flames about

And at such length, oh vey!

He said:

"First, I did not use it as a legal term of art, so a legal
dictionary is not appropriate.  Second, I see no sustantive
difference between "forejudgment" and my shorthand version
(pre-judge).  Third, I wrote "literal."  Examine the etimology of
the word for it's literal meaning.  It's pretty obvious AND
specific [ME.; OFr, /prejudice/ (Fr. /prejudice/); L praejudicium/,
from /prae/, before, and /judicium/, a judgment, from /judex/,
/judicgis/, a judge.]  In other words, to pre-judge.  Get it?"

Blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda yadda yo momma wears army boots yadda
yadda blah blah

This longwinded flame is from a longwinded windbag. He proposes to screen
the posts of others for "suitability" but flames others ("dont be such an
ass" in another of this afternoon's posts from him) and resorts to long and
boring dissections like this one.

"I have no intention nor duty to satisfy everyone.  That is not
possible.  I will use a "reasonable person" test.  (I am, by the
way, using this in the legal term of art sense.)"

Who will moderate this "windbag"?

He thinks the list is his. It may run on Gilmour's machine, but the
"Cypherpunks" are not owned by Gilmour and Sandfort.

"P.S.    I talked to Gilmore about the holdup in getting
        started.  He has been too busy to get the tech
        side going, but when he does, (a) everyone will
        be notifed as to the start date, and the test
        will still run for an entire month.  Until then,
        it is (sadly) business as usual."

Why was this new dictatoriul policy  (especially making the moderated list
the default, instead of offering the moderated list as a new option)
announced to begin on January 11th, then?

Gilmour is probly having second thoughts (a good thing) and is just
dragging his feet.


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