Sandy and the Doc

Dale Thorn dthorn at
Sat Jan 18 22:15:08 PST 1997

Sandy Sandfort wrote:
> On Sat, 18 Jan 1997, Toto wrote:
> >  I am finding it hard to understand how the same people who
> > seemed dedicated to silencing Dr. DV K on this list can
> > then turn around and 'correct' him, or 'add to' his comments,
> > or 'one-up' him in the insult department.

> Correcting is not an insult.  His statement was incorrect or
> incomplete.  I corrected it.  His comment was on topic, though
> in error.  My correction was on topic.  He was not "silenced" in
> any way.  Toto's proposition, therefore, does not make sense to me.
> Contrary to several peoples erroneous assumptions, there will be
> no flaming--of anyone--on the moderated list.  When moderation is
> under weigh, I will do nothing to restrain flaming on the flame
> and unedited lists.  Toto's prejudice (in the literal sense of the
> word, i.e., "to pre-judge") is showing.

Please don't get the wrong idea, that I'm paranoid or something, but
I think I just saw a tiny leak, a miniscule Freudian slip of sorts -
Sandy says "I will do nothing to restrain ..... the unedited list...".

Do we now have to have occasional assurances that the "unedited" list
is not being restrained?  I thought that was a given, beyond question
of any kind.  I thought *all* of the controversy revolved around the
edited/censored list (having stole the original list's name), and that
everyone understood that the uncensored list was untouchable.  But now
Sandy is taken to offering reassurances.  What's next??

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