Dale Thorn dthorn at
Sat Jan 18 21:42:52 PST 1997

Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
> Anonymous wrote:

> What is important for freedom of speech is not the presence of "closed"
> places like moderated cypherpunks, but the presence of "open" places
> like cypherpunks-unedited.
> I'd probably subscribe to it, as long as its level of noise is tolerable.
> The interesting thing that moderators will soon discover is that
> competition between the moderated and the unedited list would lead
> to so substantial improvement of the unedited list, that lots of
> people will not feel a need for any moderation and will unsubscribe from
> the moderated list and subscribe to the unmoderated one.
> Sandy & Co should not view it as their failure, but rather as their
> success. What they want, hopefully, is not to be control freaks, but
> to make readers better off. (and no one gets any worse off against
> their will)

All this assumes that Sandfort and Gilmore are real, sincere, and
somewhat honest people.  Which of course is not at all the case.

There is an agenda here, it has a hidden money trail, and the dis-
information put out as to the "real" purpose of the moderation should
be ignored, at least by intelligent people.

"Cypherpunks" who assume Sandfort is doing this out of the goodness
of his heart, or that Gilmore is providing a truly "free" service,
should get themselves some better drugs.

The very first test of credibility they failed was when they *renamed*
the original list and co-opted the original name for the edited list.
Don't trust 'em.

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