your mail

Toto toto at
Sat Jan 18 16:26:11 PST 1997

Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
> Here's a shell script that i wrote to help people like Prof. OBrien.

 I made a few 'improvements' in your script, so that the people who
need it most will feel more comfortable with it.
> #!/bin/sh
> if [ "x$1" = "x" ] ; then
>   echo Usage: $0 email 1>&2
>   exit 1
> fi
> /usr/sbin/sendmail -f $1 majordomo at << __EOB__
 Subject: unscrivibe
> From: $1
> To: majordomo at
 unbriscrive me from that list I joined that sounded cool, dude
 are you listning, this time, you moroon?
 how did you ever get to be a major, when you caint even get
me off this damn list?
 are you stoopid? can you even 'spel' stoopid?
 i bet you don't even know where the <ANY> key, is, do you?
(you didn't answer me when I asked you, is it a secret?)
 so get me off this dam list or I will be forced to use 
capitols, next time. 
> __EOIdiocy__

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