AIDAS aidas at
Sat Jan 18 11:10:59 PST 1997

On Sat, 18 Jan 1997 paul at wrote:

> > > I suppose you want a special censored list where everyone who uses
> > > the word "fuck" in relation to your good self or any other member of
> > > this list you agree with has their posting cut?
> > 
> > No, I don't want censored anything. "Cypher punks" have degenerated into
> > a moderated forum where those who dare criticize His Royal Majesty John
> > the Cocksucker and his court are forcibly unsubscribed, while all sorts
> > of vile insults directed at John's many "enemies" are encouraged.
> I quite agree, there is something most definitely wrong with this 
> whole situation, still, at least there are some crypto-relevant 
> people on the "cryptography" mailing list. cypherpunks still has worthwhile 
> nuggets on it but I must say the list has gone downhill sharply since 
> the start of the censorship.
>        Paul Bradley, Paul at

Um, Paul? I hate to break it to you, but they're not moderating yet. If
they were, we wouldn't get as much slime as we do on the list. 

Personally, I wish they'd hurry up. I'm getting rather annoyed with the
spam, the "you're all homosexuals" postings, the posts by morons that
can't figure out Majordomo or their mailers, and so on and so forth. 

So I ask you this: If the moderation isn't yet implemented, then how has
it "gone down sharply since the start of the censorship [which hasn't been
done yet]?" 

<sarcasm> I just can't wait to see what kind of witty comment Dimitri will
have on the first and second paragraphs of my response. </sarcasm>

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