encryption program

Ed Falk ed.falk at Eng.Sun.COM
Fri Jan 17 12:29:18 PST 1997

> I ran a quick Kappa test on it.  ...

I had a blast with this one.  I was up until 4:30 last night working
on Pierre van Rooyen's "Here follows a example..." cryptogram.  It's
like doing a jigsaw puzzle; there's a hump you cross over near the
end where everything just falls into place.  Jim Gillogly broke it in
only a few hours, whereas I must have put in a whole day cumulatively
(half of that writing software), but it was my first real cryptogram.

It was a hell of a learning experience.  They say that you can't design
a crypto system until you've broken someone else's first, and this really
drove it home.

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