Naughty, naughty...

Aga aga at
Thu Jan 16 05:43:00 PST 1997

Follower of the Clawed Albino <afn23950 at> wrote:

In all of the years I have been on UseNet, this has to be
the DUMBEST Cunt I have ever seen!


: In article <qum4tgoil06.fsf at>,
: Russ Allbery <rra at> carved on the cave wall:
: > 
: > Wrong.  You didn't look far enough (and please read the whole thread; I
: > explicitly explained this).  From <URL:>:
: > 
: >    So you want an account? Send us cash/check/money order (in US funds
: >    please), whatever your preferred method of payment is (sorry, no
: >    credit cards, yours or others, please no netcom lists). Include with
: >    it what you want as a login name, what you want as an initial
: >    password, and optionally a way to contact you. If you would like us to
: >    contact you when the account has been created, tell us, if not expect
: >    it to take less than a week after you mail it if you are inside the
: >    US. We don't require any postive way to identify you, your privacy is
: >    important to us.
: > 
: > In other words, you can send them cash in an unmarked envelope and they'll
: > create an account.  No paper trail.  No billing address.  It's anonymous.

: *ack*

: Hadn't gotten the entire thread on my system when I replied...thanks for 
: the correction.  (Yes, I can admit when I fuck up. :)  At least last time
: I saw the page (June-ish?) I thought I remembered their stating they accepted
: credit cards...ah well, yes, I can be wrong on occasion. :)

You fuck up when you molest those little boys and get caught.
And are you still fucking your Father for those pictures?

: However, unless you sent them a twenty-dollar bill a month directly 
: placed in their postal box, wouldn't it at least have the postal office
: address stamped on it?  (At least it has the office stamped on the postmarks
: in Louisville...)  Not saying it does or doesn't, just wondering.

Just shut up and go away, you perverted child-molesting lesbian.
We are soon going to have you arrested for harassment by communication,
and you will be off the net for good.  Both IBM net and black-hole
are helping to prosecute you.

: Also, wouldn't this make it difficult to trace someone if someone was 
: delinquent in payment?  Or, for that matter, if someone was forging someone
: else's name on a money order, etc.?  (I'm not saying they have trouble with
: this, or even give a damn--just musing potential problems with not verifying
: who is sending payment, etc.  Understood they're trying to provide 
: pseudonymous accounts and all, but they could always state that stuff like
: snail-addresses, etc. wouldn't be turned over save by court order.  Hell,
: even most freenets require at least some sort of verification anymore :)
: (whether it be a valid mail address, something you have to mail in, or on
: some occasions copies of photo ID and such).)

: (Not that that part has any relation at all re net.abusers at
: they don't have to know EXACTLY who it is, they can just shut down the
: account., who offers pseudonymous accounts for the*
: groups, does have a rather strong AUP that states that misuse of the system
: (for threats or net.abuse, among other things) can lead to nukage, can do 
: this fairly well.)

There are NO net-abusers at, and it is the most respectable ISP
on the net.  They are not going to get pushed around by dumb cunts like you,
as you always try to do with postmasters.  But after we tell them all about 
you, they just laugh it all off.   Remember, I have ten Criminal Lawyers in
my Organization, and you have none.

Just what are you going to do in jail, cunt? -- when you have no more
little boys and girls to molest?

: In any case, this brings up a separate issue entirely on accounts and such.
: (Namely, how exactly can one run a pay pseudonymous account service with the
: maximum privacy protection, yet allow for closing accounts and, possibly,
: proscecution if someone is committing flagrant net.abuse, especially to 
: the point of being illegal?)

You are the illegal one, you stupid cunt.
It is illegal to complain to any postmaster about
any usenet posting, as that is "harassment by commmmunication," and we are 
going to have you prosecuted for that.  Perverted dykes like you who 
molest children as a hobby are about to get kicked off this mans UseNet.

: > -- 
: > Russ Allbery (rra at      <URL:>

Well Russ, too bad you listen to this dumb cunt.
You used to have potential, but you have lost it. it seems.
: - --
: - -Windigo The Feral (NYAR!)              

This girl is a verified child-molester and she has been SEEN having
sex with her Father and another man.  I am not going to respond to
filthy lesbian sluts like this any more.

See you in Court, Cunt.  I am keeping track of every postmaster that
you complain to, and telling them all what a sleazy wacko lesbian
trouble-maker that you are.  One of these days, we will get your REAL
name and plaster it all over this InterNet. In the meantime, we 
laugh at you on the telephone when we talk about you, and everybody 
knows by now that you know nothing about the law and are just full of shit.

Bye, you slut-cunt lesbian child-molesting whore.

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