Newt's phone calls

Brian Lane nexus at
Wed Jan 15 07:55:11 PST 1997

On Tue, 14 Jan 1997, Eric Blossom wrote:

> > Eavesdropping on cellphones is illegal, since there's an expectation of
> > privacy.
> Ummm,  Eavesdropping on cellphones is illegal, because it's illegal.
> See the Electronic Communication Privacy Act (ECPA).  Since when does
> anybody talking on a *radio* have an expectation of privacy?

  Correct. And before they passed their law a few years ago it was only
illegal to disclose the contents of any conversation overheard, not
illegal to listen to it (which is the way it should have stayed, but the
cellphone companies found it cheaper to get a law passed instead of
securing their network).


----      Nexus Computing

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