Newt's phone calls

Bill Stewart stewarts at
Tue Jan 14 23:39:11 PST 1997

At 02:58 PM 1/14/97 -0600, Michael Tighe SUN IMP wrote:
>Bill Stewart writes:
>>Tapping cellphones is more trouble than tapping wired phones -
>>they move around, and to tap them from the phone company end
>>requires taps everywhere that you activate when you know where
>>somebody is.
>Exactly. So how come mom&pop with a scanner were able to record BOTH sides
>of the conversation without interruption? 

Tapping the wire part is what's hard; the radio part (for analog
cell phones) isn't that tough.  That makes the "legitimate needs
of law enforcement" (blech!) at some disadvantage compared to
people who just want to have fun listening in on the radio.

#			Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts at
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