It's a great new year! telemarketers and solicitors

Toto toto at
Mon Jan 13 21:37:36 PST 1997

Sean Roach wrote:

> To me, it seems to be a breach of conduct for a company to use a mailing
> list that is not thier own as a mass mailing technique.
> Again, these are only my personal opinions.

  It's called 'whoring' (for money, i.e. prostitution).
  In case you haven't noticed, the InterNet is the new 'Gold Rush'.
Every hustler and kook from here (wherever 'this' is) to Butt Fuck,
Montana, is jumping on the 'Information Highway' to get their piece
of the action.
  The whores don't just include the "Make $$$Money$$$ Fast" spammers.
The Big Boys with the Big Toys want to make sure that our personal
information and Web History is available for them to try to squeeze
every possible penny out of our pockets.
  With the 'wonder of modern technology' at their fingertips, however,
the 'common man/woman' can also avail themselves of the plethora of
information lying within reach of their sticky little fingers.

  Big Brother wants to know everything about everybody, and if the
average user gets tired of Little Brother getting ahold of the 
information, then I am sure that Big Brother will come to our
rescue, passing laws and instituting regualtions that 'save' us
by ensuring that only Big Brother knows all.


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