Homosexual Lynch Mob, Cabal

Dave Hayes dave at kachina.jetcafe.org
Sun Jan 12 13:40:04 PST 1997

Dale Thorn writes:
>Stephen Boursey writes:
> > That was due to zionism was it not?  I hate zionists with a passion.
> > Zionists continue to this day to make all sorts of unsavory tradeofffs
> > to keep their stolen land
> This is really a tough one.  I'd guess that the agenda of Zionists,
> as well as some of their allies, changes or incorporates additional
> goals at different levels in the cabal.  We all know what the lower
> levels look like, but the nature of the very top level intrigues me
> to no end.  Is it just money and power, control of property etc.?
> Or is it something "really evil"?

Whether Zionist, Sexist, Sexualist, Racist, or Net.Elitist, all
cabals share similar patterns of operation. They all:

-Assert themselves as "better than" others by some arbitrary standard
of comparison,

-Place great importance on "belonging to", as it relates to groups of
humans with common attributes, and

-Direct power and energy to maintaining the illusion of "better than"
among as many humans as they can.
To look at the -real- top level invites much danger if not properly

The existance and proliferation of "cabals" (or groups, cliques, etc.)
is a primary factor in keeping people asleep, irresponsible, and
unaware. Ask yourself who would want to keep people that way.

Remember, people in such states are much easier to control. To use a
popular example, all I have to do is frame someone as a "Fag Basher"
in front of a lot of "homosexuals" to remove that someone from their

> The average citizen will never support freedom fighters, and I think
> this is even more true of the Internet than in the outside world.

This is because the average citizen is usually emotionally and/or
intellectually attached to some group, as are the freedom fighters.
When the goals of both groups are in conflict (which is common),
people in one group automatically denounce the other.

> Of course, I hope I'm wrong, or that there's some technology or
> formula that will enable average people to have the courage to
> defend that freedom.

There is, but it's too simple. Few see it, fewer take it.
Dave Hayes - Altadena CA, USA - dave at jetcafe.org 
Freedom Knight of Usenet - http://www.jetcafe.org/~dave/usenet

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's
character, give him power.

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