
Ryan Perkins rperkins at uvaix2e1.comp.UVic.CA
Sat Jan 11 10:26:32 PST 1997

I've recently had a surge of remailing attempts made through the remailer
which I used to have running. It is no longer running. If I do reset it,
I'll notify the cypherpunk list.. the address(es) were:

rperkins at
rperkins at
rperkins at
rperkins at .. whatever, they all went to the same place..

These accounts are all _forwarded_ to my account: rperkins at, and are
not forwarded.. 

Please remove my the addresses from any list of remailers you may mantain. I
will alert you if the remailer goes back up.

For those of you who don't maintain remailer listings, please make note of
these addresses: they are _not_ remailers.

Thank you.
      Ryan Perkins      | I feel that sucide jumpers see a glimpse of 
rperkins at | sanity as they throw themselves from the ledge. 
 Ask for PGP public key | That's why they scream all the way down.  
          8C5357 : 9F FF BA 93 54 D5 18 78 4B 1E DA GC E3 4E

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