A vote of confidence for Sandy

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at bwalk.dm.com
Sat Jan 11 06:42:09 PST 1997

Jew-hating paranoid liar Rich Graves <rcgraves at disposable.com> writes:
> I would not favor a moderation policy that gave carte blanche to "good guys"
> to talk about whatever they wanted ("libertarian bullshit" in Chudov's
> delicate phrasing), but required posts by "bad guys" like Dale (and in certai
> threads, me -- you never know) to be "about crypto." That's a hypocritical
> double standard.

Here's another typical post from Igor's soc.culture.russian.moderated (NOT).

Igor Chudov, a moderator of s.c.r.m, calls M. Kagalenko "envious eunich", but
Kagalenko has been banned from posting to s.c.r.m because he objected to its
creation (i.e. he's on the "blacklist" and his submissions are auto-rejected).

]From: mkagalen at lynx.dac.neu.edu (Michael Kagalenko)
]Newsgroups: soc.culture.russian,alt.genius.bill-palmer
]Subject: Re: Envious Eunuch's E-Mail Evacuations
]Message-ID: <5audbm$4vf at lynx.dac.neu.edu>
]Date: 7 Jan 1997 15:57:26 -0500
]Organization: Northeastern University, Boston, MA. 02115, USA
]Henrietta Thomas (hkt at wwa.com) wrote:
]][newsgroups trimmed]
]]ichudov at algebra.com (Igor Chudov @ home) wrote:
]]>[crossposted to alt.genius.bill-palmer]
]]>Prof. Henrietta K. Thomas wrote:
]]Professor, eh? Well, well, well......
]]>> >That's right, Mike;  I'll give you the bad news right here in
]]>> >soc.culture.russian, since in your e-mailing, you claimed to
]]>> >speak for--NOT MICHAEL KAGALENKO, EUNUCH--but the entire
]]>> >s.c.r. readership, in trying to run me off because you were
]]>> >infuriated by a recent posting of mine.
]]>> Well, I don't know about the entire readership, but he certainly
]]>> speaks for me in this regard.
]]>Envious Eunuch Kagalenko surely does NOT speak for me and many of my
]]>acquaintainces. We support Bill's struggle against the mischievous
]]>censorous eunuch.
]]You're just angry 'cause Kagalenko tried to crash your machine.
] Correction; if I have tried to crash Chudov's computer, it would have been
] crashed. I'd venture to guess that getting root on his Linux box
] wouldn't be all that hard, either.
](Followups to sc.r.moderasted)
]Couldn't honour it, as I am permanently banned from there.
]ABILITY,n. The natural equipment to accomplish some small part of the meaner
]           ambitions distinguishing able men from dead ones.
]                -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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