IBM Key Recovery Propaganda on United Airlines

Toto toto at
Fri Jan 10 12:47:04 PST 1997

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:

> *IF* this list is to be moderated, then Unicorn and Plucky Green have
> to banned from it - unless their real names are revealed.
> OK, let's guess one letter at a time. Does your last name start with 'M'?

  God, I love good cryptoanalysis.

  I ran my 'JewFinder' program on their posts and found out that Plucky
Green's keystrokes have pork residue on them, while Black Unicorn's
do not.

  'HomoPhobeII' reported that both are wearing pants with sperm stains
of other people on them, but Black Unicorn bought his pants at the
Sally Ann Thrift Store, so it classifies him only as a 'possible'

   'ColorBooKKK' reported that 'Black' Unicorn's lack of Ebonics in
his postings means he probably just a Nigger-Lover, and not actually 
eligible for a special education grant.  It suggests that Plucky
Green is either Irish, or needs to quit 'plucking' it, so that it
won't turn green.  

  A check of reveals that both Black Unicorn and
Plucky Green are both subscribed to all 1,000 of their sports lists,
as of noon today.
 (However, since I found out that myself and all the CypherPunks
were subscribed at the same time, this may not have much meaning).

  My own careful study of the printouts of their postings reveals
that both printouts are in black ink.
  I will give this glaringly obvious similarity close scrutiny,
and report back with my conclusions.


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