[STATS] Cypherpunks subscriptions on and off

Stephen Boursy boursy at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 9 04:25:05 PST 1997

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
> Dave Hayes <dave at kachina.jetcafe.org> writes:
>> Black Unicorn writes:
>> > More fear from Mr. Thorn that his own time in the spotlight might be
>> > drawing to a close.  God forbid his captive audience might vanish.
>> Tell me, how can an audience be captive when they control the "delete"
>> key?
> Not only that - the "captive" audience has announced time and again
> that they've killfiled me, Dale, aga, and anyone else who dares to
> say something they don't like. They already have the power to ignore
> anyone they don't want to listen to. They want to stop Dale from
> communicating with the _non-captive audience that chooses not to
> ignore him.
> P.S. They lie about their killfiles, of course - Ray Arachelian,
> Paul Bradley, et al follow up on everything posted by the people
> they claim to have killfiled! Their follow-ups are obsessive and
> repetitive: "I've *plonked* you, so I have the last word, nyah
> nyah". And the next day they reply to the same people they claim
> to be ignoring.

  Those who publically *plonk* always lie from my experiences--they
are dishonest people.  Most who publically killfile not only still
read you but they are already obsessed with you and follow your
every word--their sole goal (and this is the sad part about their
lives) is to try to prevent others from reading your words.


> > Dave Hayes - Altadena CA, USA - dave at jetcafe.org
> > Freedom Knight of Usenet - http://www.jetcafe.org/~dave/usenet
> >
> > A voice whispered to me last night. It said: "There is no such thing
> > as a voice whispering in the night!"
> ---
> Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
> Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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