
Ray Arachelian sunder at
Tue Jan 7 09:06:23 PST 1997

On Mon, 6 Jan 1997, Dimitri Vulis, spammer, racist and homophobe wrote:

> When Ray Arachelian posts lies to this mailing list, he also forwards
> them to his censored mailing list. When the victims of Arachelian's
> libel refute his lies, Ray does not forward their responses to his
> mailing list. Sandy liked this setup so much, he wants the whole
> "cypher punks" mailing list to be censored this way.

"The grapes are probably Sour" says Vileus.

Sorry Kook, your spam doesn't make it to the filtered list, though I'd 
hate to admit it, your sane posts, the ones that you write once every 
blue moon, do in fact make it on the filtered list.  You are only 
complaining because people chose to not hear your inane spam, lies, 
racism, and blatant homophobic banter.

And no, my complaints about you, which you claim are lies, do not get 
sent to the filtered list, they get sent to your ISP for their racist slants.
> No wonder - "cypher punks" are opposed to wide availability of crypto,
> privacy, secure communications, and free speech in general. As they
> keep saying, free speech should only be available to the "elite" who
> will use it "responsibly" - no free speech for Jews or homophobes.

Hey, if you want cypherpunks mail with spam, subscribe to 
cypherpunks at, want it without spam, subscribe to one of the 
filtered lists.  Since filtering will soon be done at, you will 
have the choice there.

Oh, of course, since you spammed the list with so much vitriol and flames,
you can't subscribe, so you'll just have to get your cypherpunks mail
under a pseudonym, or from usenet or the web archives or whatever.  Also, 
since you do not consider yourself a cypherpunk, nor are on the list 
(except to flame it), your oppinions are as useful as a steering wheel on 
a fish's tail.

As for being a Jew or a homophobe, you are welcome to be whatever it is
you like to be, even an Armenian hating racist, and you are free to
discuss your religion, ethnicity, racism, and sexual prefrences with
whomever you want in the appropriate forums - if they happen to have cyrpo
relavance, feel free to post them here, otherwise find another place to
vent your angst.  Hell, you are free to create and discuss 
yourself there! Cypherpunks is for crypto-anarchy oriented posts ONLY 
regardless of what you claim, believe or bitch.

Sorry Vulis, your lies don't fool anyone.  Don't quit your day job - if 
you have one.

.+.^.+.|  Ray Arachelian    | "If  you're  gonna die,  die  with your|./|\.
..\|/..|sunder at|boots on;  If you're  gonna  try,  just |/\|/\
<--*-->| ------------------ |stick around; Gonna cry? Just move along|\/|\/
../|\..| "A toast to Odin,  |you're gonna die, you're gonna die!"    |.\|/.
.+.v.+.|God of screwdrivers"|  --Iron Maiden "Die With Your Boots on"|.....
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