An observation on the moderation thread.

Dale Thorn dthorn at
Tue Jan 7 07:30:41 PST 1997

Roy M. Silvernail wrote:
> In your mail, you write:
> > So this jerk (number ???) admits the problem is already solved,
> > then goes on to say "yeah, Sandy, block some more, just in case
> > my killfile misses one".

> Not at all.  I'm simply noting that the people who are crying the
> loudest about losing their forum are the ones I already ignore.  As has
> been amply pointed out, so long as the list is available in an
> unmoderated form, nothing is being lost.

> > You would have loved Hitler.

> Godwin's Law has been invoked.

> > You're nothing new, Roy.  Just another fascistic voice calling for
> > the Final Solution.

> I'll resist the temptation to return the insult.  If it matters, you've
> been in my killfile for some weeks.

> Consider this official notice: do not send me any more email of any
> kind.  Any such mail received will be considered harrassment, and will be
> dealt with accordingly.

Since Roy has chosen to argue with me, then shut me off by threatening
reprisal if I mail him directly, I'll have to post this to the list.

Sorry, Roy.  I try never to do a thing like this, but next time, don't
argue and then say I can't argue back.  Just say "don't reply" and drop
the argument.

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