The Upcoming DES Challenge

Mike Duvos mpd at
Mon Jan 6 18:56:59 PST 1997

Peter Trei (trei at writes:

 > 1. I'm astonished at the low level of reaction RSA's
 > announcement that they will be sponsoring a DES Challenge,
 > with a $10,000 cash prize.

I'm certainly jumping up and down and cheering.  I said a while
back that the life expectancy of DES would be about two weeks if
anyone forked over serious cash.

I'm also pleased to see they will be offering prizes for trying
to break Ron Rivest's new RC5 cipher, which scrambles using data
dependent rotates as its only non-linear operation.  This is very
speedy, and if it turns out to be robust, will be a nice fast
efficient drop-in replacement for most other popular block

 > I've been working with people at RSA to get this set up. It looks
 > like there'll be an ascii-plaintext challenge (we won't know the
 > full plaintext - just that it's ascii, and long enough to be
 > unambigious), and the full prize will go the first person who
 > emails them the key.

Ick.  Why overly complexify things?  A known plaintext attack
would be far more straightforward.  After all, the goal is to
recover the key, not the message.  Having to find a key which
decrypts to something having all high bits clear will discourage
people who might want to take a crack at this independent of the
canned program you are going to distribute.


 > It will NOT run as a screen saver.

Too bad.  The screensaver paradigm is something the unwashed
masses can easily understand.

 > The very first time it is started up on a given machine, if
 > it is not given a specific chunk at which to start, it will
 > pick one at random. The checkpointing scheme means that on
 > later runs, it will pick up where it left off, advancing to
 > the next chunk as it completes each one.

This is VERY IMPORTANT.  Unlike factoring problems, where the
data supplied by people can be checked in a small fraction of the
CPU time used to generate it, searching a keyspace is very
vulnerable to sabotage or stupidity on the part of the people
doing the searching.  It is well worth the extra factor of 2-3 to
guarantee that the exercise will eventually terminate.

Sounds good, but I would prefer matching plaintext and ciphertext
with the goal of recovering the key.  This is really the
situation that would exist for someone tapping financial data on
a line, and knowing the plaintext of a transaction he
deliberately generated for testing purposes.


     Mike Duvos         $    PGP 2.6 Public Key available     $
     mpd at     $    via Finger.                      $

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