Sandy and I will run a cypherpunks "moderation" experiment in Jan

Against Moderation antimod at
Mon Jan 6 16:23:31 PST 1997


> Date: Mon, 6 Jan 1997 18:29:51 -0500 (EST)
> From: "Mark M." <markm at>
> The problem with making an undelayed, unedited version of the list
> available is that it would increase the burden on  I
> suppose someone could run a mail exploder that would receive the raw
> version and mail it out to all subscribers.  I don't see the
> increased lag as much of a problem.  If an automatic moderation
> program is used, the lag should be insignificant for most posts.

Why do you think that load is a problem?  I mean most people are not
going to want to subscribe to multipel versions of the mailing list,
right?  So why are three mailing lists with a total of ~3,000 users
any more of a load than 2 mailing lists with a total of ~2,000 users?

Hell, I'll even volunteer to run the cypherpunks-raw list on my own
hardware (thus blowing my nym, if it's really necessary) if I can get
the articles as they are submitted in real time.

> This would not only increase the load on, but would also
> make it more difficult for people who want to receive the moderated
> version and monitor the moderators decisions.  Mail filtering can be
> done simply on many mail programs, but checking a list of moderation
> decisions against the mailing list traffic would be just too
> complicated.  NoCeM is a nice idea, but most people on this list
> probably do not have the platform needed to run the software.

1. How would this increase the load?  I don't see how multiple mailing
lists cause more load if it doesn't mean more subscribers.

2. Even if it did mean more subscribers, why is load a problem?  I
mean, even sendmail can easily handle the current load of cypherpunks,
and there are many packages way faster than sendmail (exim should be
particularly good at this kind of load, for instance.  Qmail is also
generally way more efficient than sendmail).  And don't tell me these
are hard or a pain to install, because I'm willing to set this up and
run it on my hardware if that's what it takes to get an unedited,
unmoderated cypherpunks list.

Version: 2.6.2


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