Hardening lists against spam attacks

Eric Murray ericm at lne.com
Fri Jan 3 14:35:32 PST 1997

Frank O'Dwyer writes:
> > [...] the drivel that comes from some of our more prolific posters is
> > best handled by filtering by the list members themselves.  (I currently
> > have 3 of them going directly to the trash.  Perhaps aga should get
> > kickbacks from Qualcomm.  He managed to sell a copy of EudoraPro.)
> It would be nice if each user could install filters on Majordomo itself.
> Not only would we not need to buy Eudora Pro, but we wouldn't have to
> pay to download messages we didn't want to read, and without having
> to employ a moderator (censor).

Bad idea.  It's tough enough on the host running a list with 1500 or
2000 people on it.  Adding outbound filtering for each user would
be a real burden on the list host.  It's better to distribute the
processing by making the user agent (or mail transport that's delivering
to the user) do the filtering.

In addition, a filtering majordomo will only 'protect' the lists that it
serves.  I don't know about you but I get a lot of spam from all sorts
of different sources.  I need to have a filter anyhow.  It's not hard to
add some more rules to filter out each lists's bozos.  It's a lot
simpler to do that than it would be to upload filter rules to each
of the 10 or 12 listservers I get mail from.

There's also a security issue.  How are you going to set it up so
that I can't say hack Tim May's filters to send him nothing but posts
from Phil H-B and Detwiler?  Yea, you can do it with passwords or
PGP or whatever, but it's still more overhead.  Why bother with it
when you don't need to?

Eric Murray  ericm at lne.com  ericm at motorcycle.com  http://www.lne.com/ericm
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