Hardening lists against spam attacks

Alec camcc at abraxis.com
Thu Jan 2 05:47:25 PST 1997

At 09:28 AM 12/31/96 -0800, you wrote:
:So in order to post here, I hafta install and run PGP?  Well, people
:were looking for the perfect formula to deny service to guys like me,
:and guess what?  You found it!  I will *not* install and run PGP.

Fill me in. Why do you  choose not to install and run PGP?



PGP Fingerprint:
Type bits/keyID    Date       User ID
pub  1024/41207EE5 1996/04/08 Alec McCrackin <camcc at abraxis.com>
          Key fingerprint =  09 13 E1 CB B3 0C 88 D9  D7 D4 10 F0 06 7D DF 31 

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