Hardening lists against spam attacks

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at bwalk.dm.com
Wed Jan 1 17:00:11 PST 1997

Bill Frantz <frantz at netcom.com> writes:

> There seems to some confusion about what I actually proposed.  (I never
> seem to be able to write clearly the first time.)  Let me describe in more
> detail my currently preferred token distribution system.

There's no confusion. You propose even more censorship than there is now.

> Since tokens are good forever, majordomo will only give out a limited
> number per day.  I suggest four.  This limit will somewhat protect against
> the attack Ray Arachelian pointed out of having one abusive user collect
> 10,000,000 tokens.

Ray "Arsenic" Arachelian of ASALA/Earthweb is a lying piece of shit, like
the rest of the "cypher punks".

You can complain about Ray Arachelian's libel, spam, forgery, and other
net-abuse to the owners of Earthweb, LLC - the Web designer employing Ray
as an associate network administrator - Jack Hidary <jack at earthweb.com>,
Murray Hidary <murray at earthweb.com>, and Nova Spivack <nova at earthweb.com>.

> have 3 of them going directly to the trash.  Perhaps aga should get
> kickbacks from Qualcomm.  He managed to sell a copy of EudoraPro.)

Qualcomm fired Kent Paul Dolan, so they're not all that bad.

> Tokens would also give the list administrator a tool to discourage certain
> posters.  If John Gillmore wanted to make it hard for Dimitri to post, he
> could cancel Dimitri's token.  Dimitri could get another one (under a
> different name if Majordomo's instructions prevented it from giving him
> one), but John could continue the cancel the new ones.

I'm sure the cocksucker John Gilmore would masturbate every time he did that.


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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