Fed's blew it this time.

snow snow at smoke.suba.com
Wed Jan 1 15:02:25 PST 1997

The Flamemeister said:
> "Attila T. Hun" <attila at primenet.com> writes:
>>         20 years ago, the Vietnam protests were just dying down. the
>>     movie industry which has been one of the more vocal anti-war
>>     centers (except in making violent war movies which make money) was
>>     still somewhat respectful of the USG.
>Was the media industry really anti-war, or just anti-Nixon? When Lyndon
>Johnson sent the troops to 'Nam, the media first supported him. When Nixon got
>elected, against the media's wishes, the media attacked him over everything he
>was doing, including the war, just like they attacked Reagan and Bush. I'm
>usure if Nixon had pulled out completely in '69, the media would have been
>pro-war. They're whores, like Declan McCulough.

     The movie industry is not the same thing as the media. Observe the 
         |                                                 |
         | Media               ______________              |
         |                    |movie         |             |
         |                    |     industry |             |
         |                    |______________|             |

> Dr. Grubor is a Viet Nam vet. I have great respect for him.

     What did he do there? Media Relations? That would explain a lot of things.

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