Counterintel Center

John Young jya at
Thu Feb 27 10:08:37 PST 1997

The National Counterintelligence Center (NACIC) 
announced today in the Federal Register a new system of 
records. There's an explanation of the NACIC and what 
it tries to do, reciting the James Angleton/Aldrich Ames 
myrrh mantra.

The new records system includes:

   "6. Compromised Names Database. The purpose of the 
   database is to notify US intelligence community personnel 
   whose names were potentially compromised as a result of 
   espionage or other foreign intelligence collection activity. 
   NACIC reviews pertinent reports to determine documents 
   that were possibly passed in a particular case and then 
   reviews those documents for names. The database contains 
   the names of persons potentially compromised, date of the 
   memo sent to the person or their employer informing them, 
   the document number of where the person's name came 
   from, document title, and document date."

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