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Tue Feb 25 14:12:35 PST 1997

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>Received: from [] by (NTMail 3.01.03) id pa219871; Tue, 25 Feb 1997 17:10:08 -0500
>Subject: Remove
>Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 17:10:08 -0500
>Message-Id: <22100820345880 at>
>ZDNET ANNOUNCEMENT          2/24/97
>Do you like to play games? No, not those kinds of games! You know, PC or
>video games. If the answer is absolutely, sometimes or even just maybe,
>then you'll want to check out GameSpot and VideoGameSpot. These are the
>hottest, and most fun sites on the Web for information about PC and video
>games, bar none! (They are so good, they are now serving as the Games
>Channel on ZDNet!)
>GameSpot ( gives you the most up-to-date reviews, demos,
>news, in-depth features, strategy guides, previews, hints and cheats on
>all of the latest PC games and hardware. They cover everything from the
>most hyper action games to the more sedate, but mind-wrenching puzzle
>games, and give you what you need both before you buy a game and after you
>bring it home. No one else's online coverage of the PC game industry even
>comes close.
>VideoGameSpot ( provides this same information, but
>about video games played on the Sega Saturn, Sony Playstation and
>Nintendo64 consoles. Of course you can't download a demo of a video game,
>so they provide custom quick-time movies to give you a tantalizing taste
>of each title.
>Both sites encourage readers to submit their own reviews of games. Think
>their review stinks? Submit your own and show the world that you're the
>real expert!
>And if winning free games or hardware has appeal (not unlike a lemon),
>then point old man browser over to these sites, PRONTO!! GameSpot and
>VideoGameSpot give away thousands of dollars in prizes every month (almost
>$40,000 in February). The contests are simple and fun, and there are
>hundreds of winners who could tell you how easy it is to get a free game
>in the mail. (Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!!)
>To visit the sites, go to the URL's listed below, or link to them from the
>ZDNet Games channel ( See you soon at GameSpot and

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