Good Bye Cypherpunks!

Vin McLellan vin at
Fri Feb 14 15:56:39 PST 1997

Tim May asked:

>And was my article the kind of "sludge of spam" and "contentless
>name-calling" you thought the Moderation experiment was all about?

        No.  It definitely was not.

>And what of the four or five of my posts a week ago which never made it to
>either the Main list or the Flames list? The contained no "sludge of spam"
>nor "contentless name-calling." What they dealt with was a claim (like this
>one) that some posts were not being passed on to either of the two lists,
>and that perhaps a conflict of interest was developing.
>Does this still match your "understanding of Sandy's effort"?

        Sadly, no.


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