Fuck UseNet

paul at fatmans.demon.co.uk paul at fatmans.demon.co.uk
Fri Feb 14 11:27:50 PST 1997

>   So, basically, you're saying that the flight from censorship should
> be toward a new CypherPunk 'home' where one is effectively censored
> automatically unless one kisses the ass of a Cabal?

Absolutely, It is really, as far as I see it anyway, just a stop-gap 
measure. The caballers haven`t got enough room to do their censorship 
on the 18000 or so big 7 groups so they decide to fuck up the alt. 
heirachy as well ;-)

Hopefully Igor and co.`s network of Majordomo's should be fully 
operational soon (as I understand it two are up and a third is on 
it's way) then we can move back there. Might even get it finished 
before the 20th?????


  Datacomms Technologies web authoring and data security
       Paul Bradley, Paul at fatmans.demon.co.uk
  Paul at crypto.uk.eu.org, Paul at cryptography.uk.eu.org    
      Email for PGP public key, ID: 5BBFAEB1
     "Don`t forget to mount a scratch monkey"

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