Moderation experiment almost over; "put up or shut up"

Sean Roach roach_s at
Tue Feb 11 15:09:46 PST 1997

What about totally uncentralized.  Instead of using a system like, each person maintain a list of "subscribers", I would be
willing to at least attempt to be one lightening rod for "subscriptions".
Since I am using the schools machine to read the list, and I don't have any
extra priveledge, I would have to do it manually and might quickly stop, but
I would be willing to try.
In this way, everyone is moderately censored by the processor time expended
in mailing a message CC:'d to everyone, but no one could effectively do any
type of blocking of the list.
Those acting in the place of majordomo could regularly trade lists for
alphabetization, (so that the lists should be identical), and file comparing.
This list could then be sent to anyone who wanted to be a "subscriber" so
that they could post as well.
A more effective way would be to have the distributed list as previously
discussed, or even maintain one account or web-page to hold the names, but I
can't help with that.
Just an idea.

One small problem, with such a list, advertisers may feel less obligated to
follow standard rules of ettiquite.  They may feel that the list is even
more "open season" than they as a group feel now.

I hope that everyone will post to this thread as I would like to be able to
"fall in" with the majority decision.  To do that, there needs to BE a
majority decision.

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