My messages not appearing on either of the lists?

Sean Roach roach_s at
Tue Feb 11 06:27:10 PST 1997

At 08:36 AM 2/7/97 -0800, Mike Duvos wrote:
>Now that a few weeks have passed, I have decided that moderation delays
>are the most annoying feature of the new experiment.  I am subscribed to 
>the unedited list under another account, and its almost instantaneous
>traffic is in great contrast to the time required for posts to trickle
>through the Sandfort-Bot. 
>Messages apparently do not get moderated in the order in which they 
>are received.  Some messages take a very long time, as other later
>messages pass them by and are posted to the list.  Again, I have no
>explanation for this unusual behavior.

Actually, I noticed that often times the posts were out of order when they
got to me over about two months ago.  This was probably due to my location
on the mailing list heirachy, (another reason for a distributed list).  I
also remember there being a rather lengthy delay between my posting
something to the list and it getting sent to me by toad.  (I stayed at the
computer reading other messages, erasing them and checking if any more had
been sent.  This was, is, my primary way of keeping my eudora disk from
getting clogged to the point where it won't compress.)
The problems that you describe aren't new to the list, mostly they are the
product of a long list of subscribers.  Although, manual moderation
certainly adds time between posting and turnaround.

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