Successfully Routing Around Censorship In Italy

Bill Stewart stewarts at
Sat Feb 8 01:12:06 PST 1997

In Cu Digest, #9.07 -- see Cu Digest Homepage:  *
is a nice article on how an Italian mailing list 
was blocked by the University bureaucracy.
    LISA (Lista Italiana Sull'Accesso a Internet) is
    "an unmoderated area devoted to discussion about social, cultural
    and economic aspects related to the development of the Internet in Italy."

Two days later they were up and running on a machine in Utah.

> Choosing censorship instead of an open debate is 
> something we will never be willing to silently accept.
> Laura Caponi
> Owner of LISA
> Lista Italiana Sull'Accesso a Internet

* This issue isn't on the web page quite yet....

#			Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts at
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