WANTED: Tolerant, anonymity-friendly news admins

Lance Cottrell loki at infonex.com
Thu Feb 6 19:46:29 PST 1997

I would be happy to provide access to news.cyberpass.net (its good to be
the King). Just let me know the machine name and IP.


At 2:17 PM -0800 2/6/97, lcs Remailer Administrator wrote:
>Because of recent attacks on the remailer network and mail2news
>gateways, I may loose access to at least one of the news servers I
>currently feed news to from my mail2news gateway.
>If you are a news administrator, believe in free speech and anonymity,
>and you would like to help the cause, please consider giving transfer
>(aka "IHAVE" or "hosts.nntp") privileges to this machine.  You will
>not be the only server, and so do not need to worry about being the
>point of entrance of mail2news articles to Usenet.
>Please contact me if you can help.  Thank you.
>For those who oppose the existence of mail2news gateways, you should
>know that we are taking steps to limit the abuse.  However, doing so
>without in any way limiting articles that abide by the usage policy is
>tricky, and must be done carefully.  Please be patient.

Lance Cottrell   loki at obscura.com
PGP 2.6 key available by finger or server.

"Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra.  Suddenly
it flips over, pinning you underneath.  At night the ice
weasels come."

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