Full strength Email Clients.

Vangelis vangelis at qnis.net
Wed Feb 5 09:23:33 PST 1997

Steven Herod wrote:
> Hello, I'm in search of an  *EASY TO USE* Internet Email client
> software that uses full strength (outside US export restriction) RSA 
> encryption.

Private Idaho (for Windoze), without question.  It's freeware, and acts
as an almost seamless front-end to PGP.  I use it all the time w/ my
crpto-aware friends.


Vangelis <vangelis at qnis.net> /\oo/\
Finger for public key. PGP KeyID 1024/A558B025
PGP Fingerprint AE E0 BE 68 EE 7B CF 04  02 97 02 86 F0 C7 69 25
Life is my religion, the world is my altar.

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