Moderation, Tim, Sandy, me, etc. * Strong crypto == DES?!

aaron at aaron at
Tue Feb 4 16:27:54 PST 1997

>I'm glad we're talking about some of the real issues here.
>Tim May said:
>> I don't want Sandy Sandfort sitting in judgment on my
>> posts, deciding what the Cypherpunks--a group I co-founded for God's
>> sake!!!!--are to be allowed to read and what they may not.
>Tim, the Cypherpunks have chosen to follow Sandy's lead for this
>month.  I'll admit I made it easy for them, but the results are
>conclusive.  There are 1311 addresses in the cypherpunks list today;
>42 in the unedited list; and 19 in the flames list.  Forty people
>cared enough to read every posting; the other thousand either wanted
>to try the experiment -- or didn't care enough to send an email
>message.  Which, as we all know, is a very low threshold.

[huge snip]

If I might make a suggestion:

Some people want moderation. That's fine, I've never been very big on
letting other people choose what I read, but some people want it.

For those who want it, let someone moderate the list for as long as
they care to do it. Approved messages get a "X-sandy-approved"
header. The responsibility for setting up a filter to toss everything
that doesn't have the header is the responsibility of the end user.
Toad will need to filter incoming posts to make sure they don't come
"pre-approved", but that's the only hole I can think of.

Everyone gets all of the Cypherpunks list. Those who want moderation
filter the unapproved posts, those who want all of it get all of it.

Hopefully, this will make (almost) everyone happy.

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