Moderation, Tim, Sandy, me, etc. * Strong crypto == DES?!

Dale Thorn dthorn at
Tue Feb 4 07:11:00 PST 1997

John Gilmore wrote:
> I'm glad we're talking about some of the real issues here.
> I'm definitely bugged by the community's attitude toward my "censorship".

I'll bet you are.

> Perhaps at that point I should have shut down the list, as Lucky is
> now suggesting.

He'd really like to, but...

> You-all remind me of a passage from Booker T.
> Washington's book _Up From Slavery_, describing what happened on the
> night that news of the Emancipation Proclamation reached the South:

What we most remind him of are slaves.

> Most of the people on the list haven't bothered to face that freedom.

Which freedom is that?

> If you want to help organize what I'll call the `progressive crypto
> community', for lack of a better term, then please do.  Otherwise, in
> the immortal words of Lazarus Long, "PIPE DOWN!".

i.e., stop saying what I don't want to hear and start saying what I
do want to hear, after all, it's *my* list.

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