Why I Support Microsoft

Brian B. Riley brianbr at together.net
Mon Dec 29 09:07:26 PST 1997

On 12/29/97 6:47 AM, Patrick May (pjm at spe.com)  passed this wisdom:

>     Okay, so I'm a UNIX-head; I forgot about the Macs (a dangerous
>thing to do, given the ferocity of their supporters).  If the
>government were to adopt my suggestion, two major results would be:
>     - The third party market for Linux software would grow rapidly
>       and enormously.
>     - The government's software budget would be reduced dramatically.

 that's OK, we Mac-heads have MacLinkPlus translators, we just get em to 
write another half dozen or so  translators for Linux and Linux file 
system recognitions to the OS, no big deal ... we have always prided 
ourselves that MacOS often reads and processes Windoze documents better 
than WinDoze does ...

Brian B. Riley --> http://members.macconnect.com/~brianbr
  For PGP Keys  <mailto:brianbr at together.net?subject=Get%20PGP%20Key>

  "In effect, to follow, not to force the public inclination; to give a
   direction, a form, a technical dress, and a specific sanction, to the
   general sense of the community, is the true end of legislature." 
       -- Edmund Burke

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