m2n at alpha.jpunix.com is down

John A. Perry perry at alpha.jpunix.com
Wed Dec 17 04:14:17 PST 1997


	Now that I've posted that operating a mail2news gateway is a
minimal effort, the m2n at jpunix.com has been under a steady spam attack
for the past 72 hours. I fought it all day yesterday and came in this
morning to find that the spammer had just moved to a different ISP and
started spamming again. I have no choice but to shut down the m2n for now
in order to stop the spam. If anyone is interested the body of the spam
looks like this:

Subject: Publicity agents are fun!

Hoping you'll have a superly-NICE
nite, a FUN day tomorrow, and the
most excellent TIMES forever more.

- --------------------------------------

This message was brought to you by
MarketCom's MktAgent, the interNet's
premier webwalking publicity engine.

Locate over 100,000 Email penpals in
only 5 days with our FREE demo model.


	Of course everyone on USEnet is blaming jpunix.com for the SPAM
but I knew that would happen when I first started the m2n. Anyway here's
hoping that the spammer will get tired and move on and then I'll be able
to start it back up.

 John Perry KG5RG perry at alpha.jpunix.com PGP-encrypted e-mail welcome!
 Amateur Radio Address: kg5rg at kg5rg.ampr.org
 WWW - http://www.jpunix.com
 PGP 2.62 key for perry at jpunix.com is on the keyservers.

Version: 2.6.2


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