remailer hashcash spam prevention

Adam Back aba at
Sat Dec 13 16:35:03 PST 1997

Robert Costner <pooh at> writes:
> At 10:55 AM 12/13/97 GMT, Adam Back wrote:
> >Remailers require a different strategy.  With remailers you are trying
> >to discourage spammers from using the remailer, with email you are
> >also trying to discourage spammers, but you have to do it in ways
> >which is easy for neophytes to cope with.
> I'm unsure that this is what we are trying to do at all.  I'm perfectly
> willing to assume that a remailer gets it's mail into it.  The problem is
> now that the remailer has to deliver the mail.  Under this plan, to deliver
> mail there must be hashcash for the delivery to the point beyond the
> remailer.

Simplest thing to do for non-replyable remailers is to insist that the
originator include hashcash for each remailer hop.  Then remailers can
just refuse to remail anything unless there is a valid hashcash
postage token included.  For example:

	Hashcash-Postage: 10208remailer at efga.orgb35b746c387ff6bc

Is a 20 bit hash collision on remailer at  (Antonomasia sent me
a patch sometime back for hashcash which changed the hashcash syntax

	Hashcash-Postage: 10208:remailer at 

which is easier to parse.  (He also simplified the command line
interface... mine is a bit scruffy)).

To send through remailer at and remailer at, you would
include a hashcash postage stamp for each remailer.

So you add to the remail instructions for remailer at a hashcash
postage stamp:

	Request-Remailing-To: remailer at
	Hashcash-Postage: 10208remailer at efga.orgb35b746c387ff6bc

and to the nested encrypted remailing instructions for replay you add
a hashcash stamp for it too:

	Hashcash-Postage: 10208replay.com05e4fee159c1cfc9

> HashCash has often been suggested as a method for throttling spam that
> would be sent to remailers.  This is not what I was responding to.  I was
> responding to a suggestion that ISPs start requiring hashcash.  I'm
> honestly unclear as to whether the remailer must generate the hashcash for
> the future SMTP's or if the suggestion is that the originator is generating
> all of the hashcash.  

The originator must generate the hashcash for all hops.

> Since remailers mangle the messages and regenerate them, I am unsure
> if originator generated hashcash is to be made for the destination
> mail port, or if the remailer must do this.

The hashcash proposal was originally focussed on remailers, and for
this purpose it is suggested that the originator generate all postage.

> If there is in fact a requirement that the sender generate the hashcash,
> then I am not sure this will work.  A nym reply block possibly does not
> lead to an exit address, but rather to another reply block.  In fact, this
> should always be the case.  

I am not sure I understand the comment above.  Why should a reply
block always point to another reply block?

It provides pretty good security to have a newnym address which when
mail is sent to it, the newnym server looksup that nyms reply block,
and mails the message with that reply block prepended to the
designated first hop remailer.  The reply block chain can have several
hops, and can even end up in a newsgroup via a mail2news gateway, or
typeI remailer.

To point the whole reply block back to another newnym address adds
additional protection but I would have thought most people use only
one reply block.

> There is no way for the sender of the email to know this route,

A good point.

You have to restructure the payment to cope with this.  Here are a few

- One way to do it is to require the nym owner to pre-pay hashcash
postage for mails he receives.  When the postage runs out, the
delivery ceases.  However this provides a denial of service attack
against the newnym user -- just have more CPU than him and you can
prevent him getting any real replies by spamming him.

- Another is to require postage only for the entry remailer.  This
however begs the question of what is a remailer.  There are problems
with assuming there is some official list of "remailers".  For example
if I am a spammer and I want to spam I will call myself a remailer,
and spam via the other remailers from this vantage point apparently
within the fold, it will be difficult to detect me.  I might even
remail the odd message to keep up appearances.

- A distributed hashcash double spend database could allow remailers
to accept hashcash which wasn't directed to them specifically, but
rather, which was directed to any remailer.  Remailers would propogate
hashcash database updates.  This preserves anonymity because hashcash
says nothing about the person who minted the hashcash stamp.  However,
interestingly, it would be necessary for the remailers to anonymously
remail database updates because revealing the remailer which received
the hashcash token would allow the newnym reply blocks to be traced.
Disruptive remailers could remove all of the hashcash tokens as the
sender would be forced to send them all to be readable by the first
remailer, not knowing the identity of the rest of the remailers.  Not
a big problem I think because remailers which do this can be weeded
out statistically, and will suffer in the remailer ping league tables
for such behaviour.  They can already disrupt pretty well if inclined
-- just discard messages.

- Or more simply, but more expensively for the sender, include a
couple of hashcash tokens for all of the remailers (there being only
20 or so).

> Not only with nyms, but with regular email addresses multiple hops may be
> required to deliver email.  For instance, the address "rcostner at"
> will deliver email to me.  This address forwards mail to "pooh at".
> The efga domain cannot be POP'ed into, so this is then remailed to wherever
> I'm POP'ing into this month.  Since the original sender cannot know this,
> and since ALL email to me requires a minimum of two mail gateways to get to
> me it seems that this hashcash plan has some problems.

This an interesting problem that I have not seen raised before.  One
way to get around it would be to allow mail from rcostner at to
arrive at pooh at without hashcash, and for mail from
pooh at to arrive at your pop this month without hashcash also.
You would allow via a token which you would not make generally
available.  That is you would say set up the .forward file not to send
to pooh at, but:

	Robert Costner c387ff6bcb35b746 <pooh at>

Then instruct the ISP side hashcash based filtering agent at,
to allow this token through.  Similarly for the second hop from to this months POP. 

> Further, I highly dislike the notion of maintaining system level databases
> of who is communicated with.  As in a quote from Adam Back's web page
>      To solve this problem subscribers should put the mailing list
>      address in a postage-free recipients list. 
> Traditional "wire tapping" would require that a communications port be
> monitored to find out who communications are being made with.  Under the
> "postage free list" plan, this information sits in a file waiting to be
> collected with no difficulty at all.  Implemented on the SMTP level, we
> have a way of testing for who a person communicates with.  After a HELO, we
> spoof in a MAIL FROM:, then look to see if we get a "559 HashCash Required"
> error.

This is a major danger I agree.  Bill Stewart suggested hashing the
database entries, which complicates things for the attacker, but not
as much as we would like.

I am 100% with you on the dangers of supeonaed postage free lists.

How about this alternative which achieves the same functionality and
removes the juicy supeona target:

Turn on hashash database for all mails.  That means hashcash gets put
in the database to prevent double spending.  (If we don't do this
spammers will club together and do one mega-spam reusing the same
hashcash they generated with their spam fest motivated CPU farm and
hit you with spam from many addresses, or all forged as from the same
address or whatever).

So now when you reply to a message, on it's way out via the mail hub,
you remove that hashcash token from the double spending database.
This means that the sender can cache sent hashcash tokens, and re-use
them when after he gets a reply.


> I've never been impressed with the hashcash method of thwarting
> spam.  I'm just not really sure that a technical solution to spam
> will work in any event.

Technical solutions to spam are not easy.

However hashcash is reasonably flexible in what you can do with it,
and real payee and payer anonymous ecash even more so, and I figure we
ought to give it a go because the non-technical solutions involve
low-life politicians trying to solve the spam problems for us, and
introducing legislation giving jail time for forged From fields,
trying to introduce internet drivers licenses, and deputising ISPs to
try to enforce the mess.  It is unclear how remailers would fare in
such a scenario.

Now officially an EAR violation...
Have *you* exported RSA today? -->

print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<>

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