remailer hashcash spam prevention

Adam Back aba at
Sat Dec 13 16:33:29 PST 1997

Steve Schear <schear at> writes:
> I disagree that the best way to implement hashcash is solely via the SMTP
>  mechanism.

It is nicest to implement the blocking at the SMTP agent if this can
be done in a privacy preserving manner, because it reduces the
bandwidth consumption for users, and reduces the complexity of their
local software -- they only need to generate hashcash for outgoing

> Almost any efficient hashcash mechanism will require some sort of history
>  file, or "invited list," to allow mail lists and those we have corresponded
>  with to continue to do so w/i having to supply hashcash each time.  This
>  list contains information which might have privacy implications and so
>  should not be stored at the ISP, which can be forced to reveal such info
>  w/o the knowledge of the client.

See my post to Bill Stewart with 

	Subject: supeona immune postage free list

I think you can construct ways to allow the ISP to reject messages
without postage, and to allow frequent users to be exempt, and to do
this such that there is no invited list which becomes a juicy target.

> If 'open' list policies were changed so that anyone could post if they
>  supplied enough hashcash for each mailing list recipient for their first 1
>  or 2 posts, and thereafter no longer needed to supply hashcash (sort of
>  minimum reputation capital), it might eliminate hit-and-run or throw-away
>  account SPAMers without offering too high a hurdle to new or infrequent pos
> ters.

That is an interesting thought.  Well the interesting thought is that
it gives us a way to block spam at the list server, because a) the
spammer has to overcome the hurdle you described, and b) the list
operator could punish spammers who started spamming once getting over
the hurdle by blocking them.  The usual trick of switching to a
different address, or a remailer would not work because they would
still have to generate a new hashcash coin as the list operator could
block the coin.

I would however think that a large denomiation coin made out to the
list server would make more sense than generating lots of coins for
all of the list subscribers.

However there is a nasty side to the above, in that it encourages the
list operator to censor posts he considers spam.

It would be simpler and I think tend to less encourage censorship to
introduce a third party filtering service such as Ray Arachellian's,
and the other one, which had an option to have only spam filtered out.

At this moment in time the spam content on mailing lists I am on is
very low.  I get much more in email.

Doubtless this would change when spammers discovered that email spam
is too CPU expensive to use.

Also hashcash really doesn't work well for USENET.  NoCeM's are cool
things for USENET, a distributed ratings system, and I understand can
be configured to work for mailing lists also.

> Since most popular email clients allow plug-ins (e.g. Eudora) or extensions
>  via Java/ActiveX, providing hashcash functionality via a plug-in and the
>  java generators you propose would provide a simple mechanism to test its
>  effectiveness w/o needing to involve the IETF.  

You can do a lot with local SMTP and POP3 proxies.

There are a couple of java ones around.

Anyone know if there is code available to do SMTP and POP3 proxying?

I am told by one subscriber to look at TIS firewall toolkits imap

> The shortcoming of a
>  plug-in approach is that few newbies will know of it or install it and will
>  therefore have to wait till its built into the new release of whatever
>  client they use or until some or all of the features are supplied by their
>  ISP, 

Yes, this problem is the motivation for trying to work out ways that
as much as possible could happen at the ISP side for less technical
users, and even for technical users, I know few people are interested
to install new software.

Also ISPs often seem more concerned about spam abuse than users.

> allowing those calling regulation to continue to blow their horns. 
>  However, if after a successful cypherpunk beta we could get the major email
>  client companies (Netscape, M$ and Qualcomm) to include our plug-ins with
>  all their new updates and offer them for free download from their Web
>  sites, it could quickly steal the CAUCE folk's thunder.

It would be cool if we could pull that one off.

Do we have anyone on list who is familiar with eurdora, qualcomm and
netscape plugins who would like to interface a hashcash library to
these systems?

Anyone who can write java applets want to implement a java hashcash
library?  (Should be easy.. jdk1.1.3 includes a sha1 function ... I am
not sure if this is included with netscape 4 or not, but there are
also numerous sha1 native java codes around, being

Now officially an EAR violation...
Have *you* exported RSA today? -->

print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<>

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