
Jeff Schult jschult at
Thu Dec 4 05:25:45 PST 1997

>Well, this isn't entirely true. Some of the loudest voices in
>banning/regulating crypto come from the left:Senator Lieberman,
>Senator Feinstein,Rep. Dellums, the Clinton Administration in
>general, etc. The fear of 'bomb making information' and 'terrorist


Lieberman is hardly considered "of the left" in his home state -- he
squeaked out a win over former Sen. Lowell Weicker by staking out positions
considered to the right of Weicker and has stayed over that way. There have
been recent articles in the Connecticut media speculating that Lieberman
could become a Republican. Though that won't happen, GOP leaders were
effusive about how welcome the senator would be ...

As to the Clinton administration, if you can pin it down from minute to
minute on the political spectrum, you're a lot faster with pins than I ...

Jeff Schult
Marketing Director, JavaNet
Internet culture and technology writer, New Haven (CT)  Advocate

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