[RePol] Bill Stewart kills babies after he molests them. Honest! / Re: Pasting in From:

Robert A. Costner pooh at efga.org
Tue Dec 2 07:00:59 PST 1997

At 07:45 AM 12/2/97 -0600, TruthMonger wrote:
>  So what's the problem? Has everyone forgotten how to use their
>delete key?   Does nobody have anything better to do with their time
>and resources than to waste them being offended by people who are
>trying to offend them?

Well TruthMonger (if that is your real name,) I think you are missing the
point.  For purposes of the discussion, no one cares about the content of
the messages, who or why they are being sent, nor is anyone bothered by
anything concerning the message itself.  What's being discussed is scarce
resources of remailer operators.

It's much like spam.  It's a very shortsighted view when a user says "why
can't you just hit the delete button?"  This is an incorrect answer for a
user who received one piece of spam, but whose small ISP, being the relay,
lost all mail services for two days.

Most remailers are operated with donated time and resources.  Problems with
the remailer, especially artificially generated ones, are just simply not
desired.  Perhaps it is just me, but if my phone rings because of some
message on the Cracker remailer, then I don't care for it happening and I
get offended.  When last month a prosecutor for the Attorney General's
office called me about a packet of material he had received on Cracker, I
didn't care for the call.  It interrupted a phone call I was having with
the communications director of his ex-boss who is now running for Governor.
 Clearly, it cuts into time I have to do other things.

When a police detective calls, not only do I have to explain about
remailers and answer his questions, but I have to spend time making him
prove he's a policeman before I tell him I can't tell him anything.  This
can take two or more phone calls and waste even more of my time.

So why am I getting these phone calls and email messages?  What is needed
to make them stop?  I don't even run a remailer!

  -- Robert Costner                  Phone: (770) 512-8746
     Electronic Frontiers Georgia    mailto:pooh at efga.org  
     http://www.efga.org/            run PGP 5.0 for my public key

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