sendhotmail, version 1.2

Ian Goldberg iang at CS.Berkeley.EDU
Tue Aug 12 20:05:30 PDT 1997

Here's version 1.2 of sendhotmail.

Now the only configuration option in the perl script itself is the location
of a config file.  That file should have the following form (you should change
the pathnames of the local files, of course):

---8<--- sample config file ---8<---
## The URL from which to fetch the current list of active proxies
Proxy List URL:

## The file in which to cache the above list
Proxy List Cache File: /home/iang/sendhotmail/proxy_list.txt

## How many days to cache the proxy list
Proxy List Cache Age: 1

## The file containing the list of hotmail accounts
Account List File: /home/iang/sendhotmail/accountlist
---8<--- sample config file ---8<---

Also, you'll need a list of valid hotmail account names/passwords in the
account list file to which you pointed, above.  This file contains a number
of lines, each of the form "login:password".  For example:

---8<--- sample accountlist file ---8<---
---8<--- sample accountlist file ---8<---

sendhotmail now picks a proxy and hotmail account at random.  I'll try to
keep the proxy list relatively up-to-date, and you need to keep your
account list up-to-date (in case Hotmail shuts one down, or something).

The perl program will "die" if something unexpected happens (such as the
proxy it chose didn't work, or the hotmail account was suddenly invalid).
Just try running it again (future versions will likely automatically
retry with different random choices for the proxy and the hotmail login).

   - Ian

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

## sendhotmail: pipe an RFC822 mail message into this, and it will send it
##              out from a hotmail account via an HTTP proxy
## Program by Ian Goldberg <ian at>

use LWP;

$uadirect = new LWP::UserAgent;

## The filename of the configuration file
$configfile = '/home/iang/sendhotmail/config';

## Read the config file
open(CONFIG, $configfile) or die "Cannot open $configfile: $!\n";
while(<CONFIG>) {
    next if /^\s*$/o;
    next if /^\s*\#/o;
    next unless /^([^:]+):\s*(.*)$/o;
    $value = $2;
    $name = "\L$1\E";
    $name =~ s/[^a-z0-9]//iog;
    $config{$name} = $value;

## Get the proxy list
$proxylisturl = new URI::URL ($config{'proxylisturl'} ||
if (defined $config{'proxylistcachefile'}) {
    ## Check if the locally cached copy is new enough
    $maxage = $config{'proxylistcacheage'} || 1;
    if (! -e $config{'proxylistcachefile'} ||
	    -M $config{'proxylistcachefile'} > $maxage) {
	## Fetch a new copy
	$request = new HTTP::Request('GET', $proxylisturl);
	$request->header(Pragma => 'no-cache');
	$response = $uadirect->request($request);
	$body = $response->content;
	$newfname = $config{'proxylistcachefile'}.".new.$$";
	open(CACHE, ">$newfname") or die "Cannot write $newfname: $!\n";
	print CACHE $body;
	rename($newfname, $config{'proxylistcachefile'}) or
	    die "Cannot rename $newfname: $!\n";
    ## Read the proxy list
    open(CACHE, $config{'proxylistcachefile'}) or
	die "Cannot open $config{'proxylistcachefile'}: $!\n";
    @proxylist = grep (s/\n// && /^[^#]/, <CACHE>);
} else {
    ## Just fetch from the net
    $request = new HTTP::Request('GET', $proxylisturl);
    $request->header(Pragma => 'no-cache');
    $response = $uadirect->request($request);
    @proxylist = grep (/^[^#]/, split("\n", $response->content));

@proxylist = ('') if $#proxylist == -1;

## Get the account list
if (defined $config{'accountlistfile'}) {
    open(ACC, $config{'accountlistfile'}) or
	die "Cannot open $config{'accountlistfile'}: $!\n";
    @accountlist = grep (s/\n// && /^[^#]/, <ACC>);

@accountlist = ('ldeliverer:xxxx') if $#accountlist == -1;

sub escapetext {
    my $t = $_[0];
    $t =~ s/([\000-\037\200-\377\{\}\|\\\^\[\]\`\"\<\>\:\@\/\;\?\=\&\%\.\#])/"%".unpack('H2',$1)/eg;
    $t =~ s/ /+/g;

sub getaddrs {
    my @addrlist = split(/,\s*/, $_[0]);
    my ($a, $ra);
    my @r;

    foreach $a (@addrlist) {
	$ra = '';
	if ($a =~ /\<(.*?)\>/) {
	    $ra = $1;
	} else {
	    $a =~ s/\(.*?\)//g;
	    $a =~ s/\".*?\"//g;
	    $ra = $1 if $a =~ /(\S+\@\S+)/;
	push (@r, $ra) if $ra ne '';
    join(', ', @r);

## Parse the incoming mail.  We need to put the To, Cc, and Bcc headers
## into a simple format that hotmail can understand.

$header{'to'} = '';
$header{'subject'} = '';
$header{'cc'} = '';
$header{'bcc'} = '';
$curheader = '';
while(<STDIN>) {
    last if /^$/;
    if (/^\S/) {
	## Start a new header
	if (s/^To:\s*//io) {
	    $curheader = 'to';
	    $header{'to'} .= ', ' if $header{'to'} ne '';
	} elsif (s/^Cc:\s*//io) {
	    $curheader = 'cc';
	    $header{'cc'} .= ', ' if $header{'cc'} ne '';
	} elsif (s/^Bcc:\s*//io) {
	    $curheader = 'bcc';
	    $header{'bcc'} .= ', ' if $header{'bcc'} ne '';
	} elsif (s/^Subject:\s*//io) {
	    $curheader = 'subject';
	} else {
	    $curheader = '';
    if ($curheader ne '') {
	$header{$curheader} .= ' ' if $header{$curheader} ne '';
	$header{$curheader} .= $_;
$header{'to'} = &getaddrs($header{'to'});
$header{'cc'} = &getaddrs($header{'cc'});
$header{'bcc'} = &getaddrs($header{'bcc'});
$msg = &escapetext(join('', <STDIN>));

## Choose a proxy and account at random

srand(time ^ $$);
$proxy = $proxylist[int rand ($#proxylist+1)];
($login, $passwd) =
    $accountlist[int rand ($#accountlist+1)] =~ /^([^:]*):(.*)$/;

## Begin hotmail-specific magic

$ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->proxy('http', "http://${proxy}/");

$url = new URI::URL '';
$request = new HTTP::Request('POST', $url);
$request->header(Pragma => 'no-cache');

$response = $ua->request($request);
$body = $response->content;
$body =~ /\<\s*form\s+[^>]*action=\"(.*?)\"/io or die "Cannot log in";

$url = new URI::URL $1, $url;
$body = $';
$body =~ s/\<\s*\/form\s*\>.*//;
$body =~ /\<\s*input\s+[^>]*name=\"disk\"\s+value(=\"(.*?)\")?/io or die "Cannot give passwd";
$disk = $2 || "";

$request = new HTTP::Request('POST', $url);
$request->header(Pragma => 'no-cache');
$response = $ua->request($request);
$body = $response->content;

$body =~ /\<\s*area\s+[^>]*href=\"(\/cgi-bin\/compose.*?)\"/io or die "Cannot compose";
$composeurl = new URI::URL $1, $url;
$body =~ /\<\s*area\s+[^>]*href=\"(\/cgi-bin\/logout.*?)\"/io or die "Cannot compose";
$logouturl = new URI::URL $1, $url;

$request = new HTTP::Request('GET', $composeurl);
$request->header(Pragma => 'no-cache');
$response = $ua->request($request);
$body = $response->content;

$body =~ /\<\s*form\s+[^>]*action=\"(.*?)\".*?\>/io or die "Cannot send message";
$url = new URI::URL $1, $composeurl;
$body = $';
$data = '';
while(1) {
    $body =~ /^\s*\<\s*input\s+type=\"?hidden\"?\s+name=\"(.*?)\"\s+value(=\"(.*?)\")?\s*\>/io or last;
    $name = $1; $value = $3 || ""; $body = $';
    $data .= $name."=".$value."&";
$data .= "to=$header{'to'}&subject=$header{'subject'}&cc=$header{'cc'}&bcc=$header{'bcc'}&body=${msg}&Send.x=1&Send.y=1";

$request = new HTTP::Request('POST', $url);
$request->header(Pragma => 'no-cache');
$response = $ua->request($request);
$body = $response->content;

$request = new HTTP::Request('GET', $logouturl);
$request->header(Pragma => 'no-cache');
$response = $ua->request($request);

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