Query: Who has left the U.S. to evade the law?

Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM dlv at bwalk.dm.com
Sat Apr 26 09:42:45 PDT 1997

Declan McCullagh <declan at pathfinder.com> writes:

> I can't confirm or deny whether my associate is Charles, but I will say
> that he is not a liar nor a crook. Far from it.

Charles Platt is a liar and a crook.  Ask his former business partners
in the "Cryocare foundation". Re-read the bullshit that he's been posting
to this mailing list. Re-read his sick sexual fantasies on alt.torture.

> I vaguely remember a flamewar between you two on cypherpunks a few months
> back, centering around how you got kicked off of an ISP, so perhaps that
> explains your animus towards him.

Charles Platt claimed that I was kicked off panix.com for "theft of
services". He posted this lie to cypherpunks, to Declan's "fight
censorship" mailing list, and several other forums. Platt's claim is
an outright lie, like everything else he says. Yes, there used to
be an account "vulis at panix.com", used mostly by my wife. We didn't
like Panix's service, so we stopped paying for it, and the account
was closed in October 96. We fired Panix. If Panix thinks we owe
them something for their service, let them speak up.

Declan's credibility as a journalist is severely hurt by his association
with the proven liar and a crook - Charles Platt.


Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM
Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps

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