Mein Fuhrer

null at null at
Wed Apr 16 14:52:30 PDT 1997

SOG-TO: www at
SOG-CC: webmaster at,radikal at,cypherpunks at

Mein Fuhrer,
  I am happy to see that the wall around East Berlin was
torn down to prepare for the new ElectroMagnetic Curtain
that is currently being built around the whole of Germany.

  Surely the age is past when we can expect to hold power
over our citizens by enslaving their mere bodies. WE MUST

  Please be advised that the enemies of the CyberReich are
already plotting to undermine the ElectroMagnetic Curtain.
  Herr Gilmore calls our efforts at maintaining ElectroMagnetic
purity as "damage" which others on the InterNet must "route
around." Herr May seems to be questioning our right to crush
all electromagnetic emanations which are generated from 
ethnically inferior electromagnetic sources. Herr Hughes is
is producing StegoDolls with paper and plastic scissors, in
an obvious attempt to subconsciously corrupt the minds of
Aryan children. (These StegoDolls have suspiciously large
breasts, leading me to believe that they are meant to 
undermine the morals of adults, as well.)

  There are attempts being made to put mirrors in place to
begin the formation of an organization known as InterNet 
Free Europe, in an attempt to allow our citizens' minds
to immigrate beyond the walls of the ElectroMagnetic Curtain.
  However, our Western Allies are even now taking steps to
seize control over the InterNet Domain registration system,
placing it in the capable hands of the FCC. With these efforts
and the ones being made to route technological development into
increasingly narrow channels, we should be able to keep 
control of bandwidth in the hands of those with interests
similar to our own.
  There should be no reason that we cannot control the citizens
by a combination of 'shortages' of bandwidth, strict laws limiting
the use of bandwidth to 'pure' purposes, and regulations which
allow us to control the nature of encryption programs so that
we can ferret out those who attempt to "route around" our control

  We must also take steps to limit our citizen's access to the
dangerous materials contained in "The True Story of the InterNet."
  The following URL should be blocked immediately, as it contains
pointers to "The Xenix Chainsaw Massacre" and "WebWorld 

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